Inglês, perguntado por myleide83, 7 meses atrás

1-Relacione as respostas com as perguntas de acordo com a biografia de Ms. J. K. Roling.
(a) When was Ms. J. K. Rowling born? ( (b) Where did she go when she was 26 years old? ( (c) Did she marry a Portuguese journalist? ( (d) Where did she publish Harry Potter book? (
2-Mark T (true) or F (false).
( ) Ms. J. K. Rowling was born in England.
( ) She moved to Portugal to be a secretary.
( ) Ms. Rowling married a teacher in Portugal.
( ) Her daughter’s name is Jessica.
( ) She didn’t move to Scotland after the divorce.
( ) Ms. Rowling books were rejected several times.
) In Scotland
) She was born on July 31,1965.
) She moved to Portugal. ) Yes, she did.
3-Choose the correct verb in the simple past.
a) Jessica (GO – WENT ) to Scotland with her mother. b) Jessica ( WAS – WERE ) born in 1993.
c) Ms. Rowling ( WRITE – WROTE ) Harry Potter books. d) She ( SOLD – SELLS ) her books for a loto f money.
E )She (ATE – EAT ) in restaurants in Scotland.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por aimeanlove

Tomei a liberdade para fazer alguns ajustes no layout. Deu um trabalhão pra entender, inicialmente. Seria bom Ter o texto de apio, mas mesmo assim, com meus conhecimentos, consegui responder tudo.

Lá vamos nós:

1- Relacione as respostas com as perguntas de acordo com a biografia de Ms. J. K. Roling.

(a) When was Ms. J. K. Rowling born?

(b) Where did she go when she was 26 years old?

(c) Did she marry a Portuguese journalist?

(d) Where did she publish Harry Potter book?

(d) In Scotland

(a) She was born on July 31, 1965.

(b) She moved to Portugal.

(c) Yes, she did.

2- Mark T (true) or F (false).

( T ) Ms. J. K. Rowling was born in England.

( F ) She moved to Portugal to be a secretary.

( F ) Ms. Rowling married a teacher in Portugal.

( T ) Her daughter’s name is Jessica.

( F ) She didn’t move to Scotland after the divorce.

( T ) Ms. Rowling books were rejected several times.

3- Choose the correct verb in the simple past.

a) Jessica ( WENT ) to Scotland with her mother.

b) Jessica ( WERE ) born in 1993.

c) Ms. Rowling ( WROTE ) Harry Potter books.

d) She ( SOLD ) her books for a lot of money.

e) She ( ATE ) in restaurants in Scotland.

rafael24688: brabo
Respondido por Alexv11

Seguem abaixo as respostas para as três questões sobre a biografia de J.K Rowling:

1- Relacione as respostas com as perguntas de acordo com a biografia de Ms. J. K. Rowling.

  • (a) She was born on July 31, 1965.
  • (b) She moved to Portugal.

  • (c) Yes, she did.

  • (d) In Scotland

2- Mark T (true) or F (false).

  • (T) Ms. J. K. Rowling was born in England.

  • (F) She moved to Portugal to be a secretary.

  • (F) Ms. Rowling married a teacher in Portugal.

  • (T) Her daughter’s name is Jessica.

  • (F) She didn’t move to Scotland after the divorce.

  • (T) Ms. Rowling books were rejected several times.

3- Choose the correct verb in the simple past.

  • a) Jessica (WENT) to Scotland with her mother.

  • b) Jessica (WERE) born in 1993.

  • c) Ms. Rowling (WROTE) Harry Potter books.

  • d) She (SOLD) her books for a lot of money.

  • e) She (ATE) in restaurants in Scotland.

Biografia de J.K Rowling

J. K. Rowling (b. 1965) é uma escritora britânica, criador do arranjo "Harry Potter", que conquistou grupos jovens de espectadores e vendeu milhões de cópias. J. K. Rowling nasceu em Yate, Grã-Bretanha, em 31 de julho de 1965. A menina de Diminish James Rowling e Anne Volant, ela passou sua infância dentro da cidade de Chepstow. Seus guardiões adoravam o peruso, e sua casa estava repleta de livros.

Desde criança, ela queria ser uma escritora. Ela a compôs para começar com um livro de ficção aos seis anos de idade: "A história de um coelho chamado Coelho". J. K. Rowling considerou os dialetos clássicos e a escrita francesa no Colégio de Exeter. Ela passou um ano na França fazendo um curso de especialização. De volta à Inglaterra, ela trabalhou como analista para a Acquittal Universal em Londres. Durante uma viagem de preparação entre Manchester e King's Cross, ela começou a compor Harry Potter. Ao aterrissar na estação, inúmeros personagens foram a partir de agora definidos. Ela disse: "Harry Potter basicamente entrou em minha cabeça completamente formada".

Para a última questão, utilizamos os verbos no passado simples em suas formas irregulares, ou seja, formas que não seguem o padrão de utilizar ED ao final desse verbo.

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