1-Reescreva as orações no passado . Fique atento aos verbos classificando os em regulares (r) ou irregulares (ir)
2- todas as orações no exercício acima estão na forma afirmativa. Reescreva as orações nas formas interrogativas e/ou negativa no passado simples

Soluções para a tarefa
a) I had many friends in my city. IR
Interrogativa: Did I have many friends in my city?
b) They spoke English with the teacher. IR
Negativa: They didn't speak English with the teacher.
c) Played tennis very well. R
Interrogativa: Did play tennis very well?
d) She worked in a bank. R
Negativa: She did not work in a bank.
e) They stayed in a hotel all day. R
Negativa: They didn't stay in a hotel all day.
f) We saw the boy in the classroom. IR
Interrogativa: Did we see the boy in the classroom?
g) They cleaned their house on saturday morning. R
Interrogativa: Did they clean their house on saturday morning?
h) You sang very well. IR
Negativa: You did not sing very well.
i) The boys helped their mother in the kitchen. R
Negativa: The boys didn't help their mother in the kitchen.
j) Joan read the books. IR
Interrogativa: Did Joan read the books?
Os verbos irregulares são aqueles que não terminam em ED. Exemplo:
irregular: see - saw; have - had
regular: help - helped; clean - cleaned
No passado simples (simple past), nós usamos o DID como auxiliar.
Para colocar a frase na negativa, você tem que usar didn't (ou did not) junto com o verbo no presente. Ex: The boys didn't help their mother in the kitchen.
Na frase interrogativa, nós colocamos o DID na frente do verbo (que está no presente). Ex: Did they clean their house?