1. Reescreva as frases na forma interrogativa, observe que o verbo fica na forma básica ,
quando o sujeito é he, she, it:
a) Meg comes from Rio tonight. ( COME: VIR )
b) Robert lives in a tourist city called Salvador. ( LIVE: MORAR )
c) The tourists visit the wonderful beaches. ( VISIT: VISITAR )
d) We usually get up early. ( GET UP: LEVANTAR )
e) My brother gets up at 7 A. M. ( GET UP: LEVANTAR) _______________________________________________________________
f) Rosa reads books every day ( READ: LER )
g) Monica watches TV every day. ( WATCH: ASSISTIR )
h) She listens to music with my friends. ( LISTEN: OUVIR )
i) Anita helps her friends. ( HELP: AJUDAR)
j) Robert cleans his room every day. ( CLEAN: LIMPAR)
2. Reescreva na forma Negativa:
a) My mother studies in the morning. ( STUDY: ESTUDAR)
b) I go to the store alone every day. ( GO : IR )
c) I want to have dinner with my friends. ( WANT: DESEJAR )
d) He leaves his office at six o’ clock. (LIVES : DEIXAR)
e) My brother likes his job very much. ( LIKE : GOSTAR)
f) They want to buy a lot of magazines. ( WANT: DESEJAR)
Soluções para a tarefa
Bom dia!
Quando a gente quer colocar um frase na interrogativa no Inglês, nesse teu caso aí, a gente vai usar o DOES e o DO.
Usando DOES para HE, SHE ou IT
E DO para o resto, I, YOU, THEY, WE
E como foi dito ali em cima, no comando da questão, quando você vai escrever a frase na interrogativa o verbo fica na forma básica, sem o S no final.
a) Does Meg come from Rio tonight?
b) Does Robert live in a tourist city called Salvador?
c) Do the tourists visit the wonderful beaches?
d) Do we usually get up early?
e) Does my brother get up at 7 A. M?
f) Does Rosa read books every day?
g) Does Monica watch TV every day?
h) Does she listen to music with my friends?
i) Does Anita help her friends?
j) Does Robert clean his room every day?
Já pra forma negativa, é só adicionar um NOT na frente do DO ou do DOES, seguindo as mesmas regras lá de cima.
a) My mother doesn't study in the morning.
b) I don't go to the store alone every day.
c) I don't want to have dinner with my friends.
d) He doesn't leave his office at six o’ clock.
e) My brother doesn't like his job very much.
f) They don't want to buy a lot of magazines.
Espero ter ajudado!
O Simple Present Tense é usado para representar o presente simples, ou seja, equivale ao presente do indicativo quando transposto ao português.
1. a) Does Meg come from Rio tonight?
b) Does Robert live in a tourist city called Salvador?
c) Do the tourists visit the wonderful beaches?
d) Do we usually get up early?
e) Does my brother get up at 7 A. M?
f) Does Rosa read books every day?
g) Does Monica watch TV every day?
h) Does she listen to music with my friends?
i) Does Anita help her friends?
j) Does Robert clean his room every day?
2. a) My mother doesn't study in the morning.
b) I don't go to the store alone every day.
c) I don't want to have dinner with my friends.
d) He doesn't leave his office at six o’ clock.
e) My brother doesn't like his job very much.
f) They don't want to buy a lot of magazines.
Seu uso é válido quando se quer apontar ações corriqueiras no tempo presente. Sendo usado em sentido de verdades imutáveis, emoções, opiniões e sentimentos.
São utilizados, ainda, advérbios que exprimem sentido de tempo, como: now, never, usually, always, often.
São exemplos de Simple Present Tense:
She plays soccer very well.
We love coffee.
He goes to school in the morning
You always read a letter in the afternoon
They usually travel to USA in April
Para saber mais: brainly.com.br/tarefa/27702655