Inglês, perguntado por lais312, 5 meses atrás

1)Reescreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa:

a) I was studying Science for my test.

b) He was doing his homework.

c) They was playing rugby because they think it is boring.

d) Were they listing to music when you opened the door?

e) She was going to the cinema, but her friends didn’t come.

f) That boy was playing the violin very well.

g) Jane, David and Polly were watching TV when the light turned off.

h) I was beginning my English project when my sister falls.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lorenaalmeida20719


a) I wasn't studying Science for my test

b) He wasn't doing his homework

c) They wasn't playing rugby because they think it is boring

d) They weren't listening to music when you opened the door

e) She wasn't going to the cinema, but her friends didn’t come (essa frase ficou meio sem sentido, teria que fazer algumas adaptações, mas se for pra deixar da mesma estrutura, fica assim)

f) That boy wasn't playing the violin very well

g) Jane, David and Polly weren't watching TV when the light turned off

h) I wasn't beginning my English project when my sister fell.

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