Inglês, perguntado por renatynhasillvp6yzuq, 11 meses atrás

1:reescreva a frase abaixo na forma negativa e interrogativa

He Will get a good tob If he study hard.

2: passe a frase abaixo do simples Future para o Future going to.

you Will Go to sao Paulo in december.

3: complete com Will ou going to

a) I promise i___ save some money .

b)they ___go tô the Beach next weekend.

c)you looks confused,i___help you.

d)my brother___get married in six months.

4: escolha dois verbos entre parenteses (Go,travel,eat,study) e escreva duas frases no tempo futuro,uma com Will e outra com going to.

5:corrija a frase abaixo

she will are not be a good teacher.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Nicole2968

1- Negativa: He won’t get a good tob if he study hard.
Interrogativa: Will he get a good tob if he study hard?

2- You are going to São Paulo in December.

3- a) will
b) are going to
c) will
d) is going to

4- I promise that I will go with you.
He is going to travel next month.

5- She won’t be a good teacher.
Respondido por MSchittine

1) Neg: He won't ou will not get a good job if he study hard

Int: Will he get a good job if he study hard? (perceba que apenas inverteu o sujeito e o auxiliar)

2) You are going to São Paulo in december. (se fosse He por exemplo, seria is going to)

3)  going to: certeza | will: incerteza

a) am going to ("I promise" - certeza)

b) Will

c) am going to

d) Will

4) Travel:

I'm pretty sure i am going to travel tomorrow

He thinks that he will travel on his vacations


I am sure I am going to like eating shrimps

They probably will eat pizza tonight

5) She will not be a good teacher

esse are está aí de intruso

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