Inglês, perguntado por susana200, 11 meses atrás

1) Read the text below and answer the question:
“Every parent has some kind of ideal future in mind for his or her child. Whether it is to follow in their own footsetps and take over the family business or just be successful or act to the best of their abilities and have the most fun, they want the best for their offspring.”

Available in February 2013

- Would you like to follow in your parents’ footsteps? If so, what you do? (personal answer)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rebeccapolibio

our parents just guide us the way they think is right, but after that we have to follow our own paths and ideas. In my opinion, YES, we have to listen to our parents and try to understand what is so good they want us to follow, in the end we who decide, but receiving advice is always welcome and can change our lives,both positively and negatively.

i think this is a good,you are welcome

i think this is a good,you are welcome;)

Respondido por Yugao0uzuky


well, i would like to follow some of the steps my parents gave, but not all. Because following (all) their palaces in some way would be bad, because I would not enjoy my life properly by making the choices they made and not mine. On the other hand, it is good to follow the good steps they have given, because in some way there were benefits in their lives.


Foi esse meu ponto de vista da pergunta, espero ter ajudado :))

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