Inglês, perguntado por bernimhenrique, 10 meses atrás

1) Read the joke ( Leia a piada)
Einstein dies and goes to heaven ...

At the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter tells him, "You look like Einstein, but you have No idea what some people do to go into Heaven. Can you prove who you really are?"
Einstein ponders for a few seconds and asks, "Could I have a blackboard and some chalk?"
Saint Peter snaps his fingers and a blackboard and chalk instantly appear.
Einstein proceeds to describe with perplexing mathematics and symbols his theory of relativity.
Saint Peter is suitably impressed. "You really are Einstein!" he says. "Welcome to heaven!"
The next to arrive is Picasso.
Once again, Saint Peter asks for credentials.
Picasso asks, "Mind if I use that blackboard and chalk?"
Saint Peter says, "Go ahead."
Picasso erases Einstein's equations and sketches a stunning mural with just a few strokes of chalk.
Saint Peter claps. "Surely you are the great artist you claim to be!" he says. "Come on in!"
Then Saint Peter looks up and sees George W. Bush.
Saint Peter scratches his head and says, "Einstein and Picasso both managed to prove their identity. How can you prove yours?"
George W. looks bewildered and says, "Who are Einstein and Picasso?"
Saint Peter sighs and says, "Come on in, George."
Einstein morre e vai para o céu ...

No Portão Perolado, São Pedro diz a ele: "Você se parece com Einstein, mas não tem ideia do que algumas pessoas fazem para ir para o Céu. Você pode provar quem você realmente é?"
Einstein pondera por alguns segundos e pergunta: "Posso ter um quadro-negro e giz?"
São Pedro estala os dedos e um quadro-negro e giz aparecem instantaneamente.
Einstein passa a descrever com matemática e símbolos desconcertantes sua teoria da relatividade.
São Pedro está devidamente impressionado. "Você realmente é Einstein!" ele diz. "Bem vindo ao Paraíso!"
O próximo a chegar é Picasso.
Mais uma vez, São Pedro pede credenciais.
Picasso pergunta: "Se importa se eu usar aquele quadro-negro e giz?"
São Pedro diz: "Vá em frente".
Picasso apaga as equações de Einstein e esboça um mural impressionante com apenas alguns traços de giz.
São Pedro bate palmas. "Certamente você é o grande artista que afirma ser!" ele diz. "Entre!"
Então São Pedro ergue os olhos e vê George W. Bush.
São Pedro coça a cabeça e diz: "Einstein e Picasso conseguiram provar sua identidade. Como você pode provar a sua?"
George W. parece confuso e diz: "Quem são Einstein e Picasso?"
São Pedro suspira e diz: "Entre, George."
Responda em inglês:
a) Who are the characters? *
3 pontos
b) What is the central problem? *
3 pontos
c) How did Einstein prove who he was? *
3 pontos
d) How did Picasso prove who he was? *
3 pontos
e) How did George W. Bush prove who he was? *
3 pontos
Can you prove who you really are?

Você pode provar quem você é de verdade?

Could I have a blackboard and some chalk?

Eu poderia ter um quadro e um giz?

2) Complete as frases com CAN OU COULD: *
15 pontos
CAN (poder, conseguir) COULD (poder no passado)
____________I go to the toilet?
If you ____________go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
The doctor ____________see you now.
I wish I ____________go to France.
I ____________play the piano.
____________ you lend me $10?
You ____________call me tomorrow.
I ____________speak French fluently when I was a child.
____________I go to the toilet?
If you ____________go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
The doctor ____________see you now.
I wish I ____________go to France.
I ____________play the piano.
____________ you lend me $10?
You ____________call me tomorrow.
I ____________speak French fluently when I was a child.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por caperalu


a) Who are the characters?

Pablo Picasso - a famous artist, Albert Einsten - a extraordinary famous theoretical physicist, George W. Bush. - 43º president of the United States and Saint Peter - a apostle.

b) What is the central problem?

They need to get credencials to go into the heaven, because they are dead.

c) How did Einstein prove who he was?

He asked for a blackboard and a chalk and wrote some symbols and his theory of relativity.

d) How did Picasso prove who he was?

He also asked for the blackboard and chalk and started to sketch a mural with some of the strokes of chalk.

e) How did George W. Bush prove who he was?  


Can you prove who you really are?

Você pode provar quem você é de verdade?

Could I have a blackboard and some chalk?

Eu poderia ter um quadro e um giz?

(os modais verbais estão sublinhados)

2) Complete as frases com CAN OU COULD: *

15 pontos

CAN (poder, conseguir) COULD (poder no passado)

_______can_____I go to the toilet?

If you ____could________go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

The doctor ____can________see you now.

I wish I ____could________go to France.

I ____can________play the piano.

_____could_______ you lend me $10?

You ____can________call me tomorrow.

I ____could________speak French fluently when I was a child.

espero ter ajudado, desculpe eu não ter resolvido a letra e da primeira questão :)

bernimhenrique: ok
bernimhenrique: obrigado do memo jeito vlw ae
caperalu: de nada :)
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