Inglês, perguntado por GrauzeiroFantasma, 5 meses atrás

1- Qual sequência de tag questions é a correta para as questões?
She needs more contact with nature,
There aren't animals in your house,
Mary and Peter aren't married,
Linda and Jonh are going to the beach to relax,
I can't live in big cities anymore,

a)aren't they? - are they?- doesn't she? - aren't there? - can I?
b)can I? - are they? - aren't they? - doesn't she? - aren't there?
c)doesn't she? - are there? - are they? - aren't they? - can I?

2- Assinale a resposta correta. Para se referir a uma ação acabada,que aconteceu e não há mais reflexo dessa ação no atual momento, você usa:
a) Past perfect.
b) Simple past.
C) Present perfect
d) Simple present

3-Assinale a sentença que está na afirmativa do present perfect corretamente.
a)She has read good books.
b)I has gone to the new gym yesterday.
c)Mary have studied for her test.
d)Have you broken your leg?

4- Assinale a sentença que está correta na forma negativa do present perfct.
a)Marcia didn't like to study.
b)I have not study for my exams.
c)Hasn't my friend stopped his car here?
d)He haven't played soccer.

5- Marque a sequência correta dos tempos verbais nas sentenças abaixo. I) My sister has broken her leg. II) She had gone to movie with her friends. III)My mother went to church yesterday. IV)I have seen your sister in my class.
a)Past perfect - simple past - present perfect - present perfect.
b)Present perfect - simple past - past perfect - present perfect.
c)Present perfect -past perfect - simple past - present perfect.
d)Past perfect - present perfect - present perfect - simple past.

6- Qual a sequência correta da tradução dos phrasal verbs: (a)run out of - (b) shut down - (c) start up - (d) carry out - (e)turn into - (f) find out.
a) Descobrir - executar - desligar - ficar sem - iniciar - transformar.
b)ficar sem - executar - descobrir - transformar - iniciar - desligar.
c)descobrir - desligar - executar - ficar sem - transformar - iniciar.
d)ficar sem - desligar - iniciar - executar - transformar - descobrir.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

1. c) doesn't she? - are there? - are they? - aren't they? - can I?

2. b) Simple past.

3. a) She has read good books.

4. c) Hasn't my friend stopped his car here?

5. c) Present perfect -past perfect - simple past - present perfect.

6. d) ficar sem - desligar - iniciar - executar - transformar - descobrir.

GrauzeiroFantasma: Obrigado
GrauzeiroFantasma: a 4 é a b) I have not study for my exams.
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