Inglês, perguntado por jhony8069828, 4 meses atrás

1. Qual o tema central do texto? *
a) Embarque da presidente do comitê Olímpico.
b) Casos de Covid 19 no Japão.
c) Local onde iniciou-se o revezamento da tocha olímpica.
d) Lives do primeiro ministro do Japão

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Alexv11

A alternativa correta é a alternativa C.

Os trechos indicados em negrito representam o local no qual é possível inferir a resposta correta.

Segue o texto para a questão:

    Olympic Torch relay stats in JapanThe torch relay for the Tokyo Olympics has started. The Games were postponed due to coronavirus butorganizers are determined they will go ahead in July. Members of Japan’s women’s football team carried the torch in the first leg of the relay. It began in Fukushima, which was devastated by the 2011 earthquake,tsunami and nuclear meltdown.

    The relay torch is made of aluminium recycled from housingbuilt for survivors of the triple disaster. Fukushima was chosen as the start of the relay to show it has recovered. Many people say claims of recovery are premature.The head of Japan’s Olympic organizing committee opened the relay ceremony. She said in her address:“The flame will embark on a 121-day journey and will carry the hopes...and wishes for peace.” She askedJapanese people to look at live broadcasts of the relay and not travel to watch it because of a spike inCOVID 19 cases. Spectators must wear face masks and clap rather than cheer.

     Japan’s Prime Ministerrestated his commitment to stage a “safe and secure” Olympics in spite of the pandemic. He said: “We will do our utmost on coronavirus measures.”

Respondido por polianafferreira

O tema central do texto é o local onde iniciou-se o revezamento da tocha olímpica. Assim, faz-se correta a LETRA C.

O texto já se inicia falando do revezamento da tocha para as Olimpíadas de Tóquio e conta que na primeira etapa do revezamento quem carregou a tocha foram membros do time de futebol feminino do Japão.

O texto fala como Fukushima, devastada por um terremoto, foi escolhida para iniciar o revezamento para mostrar como se recuperou.

Para responder a essa questão você precisará do texto abaixo:

Torch relay stats in JapanThe torch relay for the Tokyo Olympics has started. The Games were postponed due to coronavirus butorganizers are determined they will go ahead in July. Members of Japan’s women’s football team carriedthe torch in the first leg of the relay. It began in Fukushima, which was devastated by the 2011 earthquake,tsunami and nuclear meltdown. The relay torch is made of aluminium recycled from housingbuilt for survivors of the triple disaster. Fukushima was chosen as the start of the relay to show it hasrecovered. Many people say claims of recovery are premature.The head of Japan’s Olympic organizing committee opened the relay ceremony. She said in her address:“The flame will embark on a 121-day journey and will carry the hopes...and wishes for peace.” She askedJapanese people to look at live broadcasts of the relay and not travel to watch it because of a spike inCOVID 19 cases. Spectators must wear face masks and clap rather than cheer. Japan’s Prime Ministerrestated his commitment to stage a “safe and secure” Olympics in spite of the pandemic. He said: “Wewill do our utmost on coronavirus measures.”

Bons estudos!

CalebeFF: obrigado <3
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