Inglês, perguntado por LOUDSAH09, 5 meses atrás

1)Put the sentences into present continuous by choosing and changing one of the verbs in the box:

drive – swim – finish – shop - go

a) Ana is ____________ in the lake.

b) Valery and Julien are __________some new clothes.

c) Dyllan is _________ his beautiful old Cadillac.

d) My parents are __________to Amazon on vacation.

e) The writer is __________ his new novel.

2) Put the verbs into simple present or present continuous:

a) My mom ___________ early in the morning on week. (wake up)

b) The boss _________ for us right now. (call)

c) Diana _________a letter for her professor at Cambridge at this moment. (write)

d) Every single day the fisherman _________ his fishes in the market. (sell)

e) Ms. Rowling ___________books for teenagers and adults. (write)

3) Coloque as frases abaixo nas formas negativa e interrogativa e sua tradução na afirmativa:

a) I am planning to travel to Piauí.

b) It is beginning to rain.

c) They are reading the book.

d) We’re walking every morning.

e) She’s laughing at the joke.

f) I’m flying south.

Alguém me ajuda por favorrr!!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Present Continuous

1) Present continuous

a) Ana is swimming in the lake.

b) Valery and Julien are shopping some new clothes.

c) Dyllan is driving his beautiful old Cadillac.

d) My parents are going to Amazon on vacation.

e) The writer is finishing his new novel.

2) Put the verbs into simple present or present continuous:

a) My mom wakes up early in the morning on week. (wake up)

b) The boss is calling for us right now. (call)

c) Diana is writing a letter for her professor at Cambridge at this moment. (write)

d) Every single day the fisherman sells his fishes in the market. (sell)

e) Ms. Rowling writes  books for teenagers and adults. (write)

3) Coloque as frases abaixo nas formas negativa e interrogativa e sua tradução na afirmativa:

a) I am planning to travel to Piauí. >> Eu estou planejando viajar para Piauí.

   I am not planning to travel to Piauí.

   Am I  planning to travel to Piauí?


b) It is beginning to rain. >> Está começando a chover.

   It is not beginning to rain.

   Is it beginning to rain?

c) They are reading the book. >> Eles estão lendo o livro.

   They are not reading the book.

  Are they reading the book?

d) We’re walking every morning. >> Nós estamos caminhando toda manhã.

   We’re not walking every morning.

    Are we  walking every morning?

e) She’s laughing at the joke. >> Ela está rindo da piada.

  She’s not laughing at the joke.

   Is she  laughing at the joke?

f) I’m flying South. >> Estou voando para o sul.

   I’m not flying South.

   Am I flying South?

⇒⇒  Present continuous >>>   verbo descreve ações que estão acontecendo no momento em que se fala.

I am studying English now. - Eu estou estudando inglês agora.

Annie is going to school. - Annie está indo para a escola.

Estrutura  afirmativa

Verbo to be (am - is - are) + verbo terminando em -ing + now/right now

Paul is playing tennis.

Paul está jogando tênis (agora).

Jane and Mary are studying for the exams.

Jane e Mary estão estudando para as provas/exames.

Estrutura negativa

Sujeito + am/is/are + not + verbo -ing + complemento

I am not studying Italian. - Eu não estou estudando italiano.

John is not working. - John não está trabalhando.

The kids are not playing videogame.

Estrutura interrogativa

Am/is/are + sujeito + verbo -ing

Are you studying now? >> Você está estudando agora?

Is Paul running at the park? >> Paul está correndo no parque?

Estrutura present continuous - Interrogative

am - is - are + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento ?

Are they playing chess?

Am I cooking dinner?

Is Julie dancing now?

Learn more


LOUDSAH09: muito obrigadaaa
CremildaBR: de nada ;) .nao se esqueça de marcar "melhor resposta" assim vc ganha alguns pontos de volta ;)
LOUDSAH09: ok ;)
KatiiK10: Textao :v
rodrigueslucinha25: muito obrigada
Respondido por keysafahrizal


⇒⇒ Present Continuous

1) Hadir terus menerus

a) Ana sedang berenang di danau.

b) Valery dan Julien sedang berbelanja baju baru.

c) Dyllan mengendarai Cadillac tuanya yang cantik.

d) Orang tua saya akan pergi ke Amazon untuk berlibur.

e) Penulis sedang menyelesaikan novel barunya.

2) Masukkan kata kerja menjadi simple present atau present continuous:

a) Ibuku bangun pagi-pagi pada minggu itu. (bangun)

b) Bos memanggil kita sekarang. (panggilan)

c) Diana sedang menulis surat untuk profesornya di Cambridge saat ini. (menulis)

d) Setiap hari nelayan menjual ikannya di pasar. (menjual)

e) Ms. Rowling menulis buku untuk remaja dan dewasa. (menulis)

3) Letakkan kalimat di bawah ini dalam bentuk negatif dan interogatif serta terjemahannya dalam afirmatif:

a) Saya berencana untuk bepergian ke Piauí. >> Saya berencana untuk bepergian ke Piauí.

Saya tidak berencana untuk bepergian ke Piauí.

Apakah saya berencana bepergian ke Piauí?

b) Hari mulai hujan. >> Ini mulai hujan.

Ini belum mulai hujan.

Apakah sudah mulai hujan?

c) Mereka sedang membaca buku. >> Mereka sedang membaca buku.

Mereka tidak sedang membaca buku itu.

Apakah mereka membaca buku itu?

d) Kami berjalan setiap pagi. >> Kami berjalan setiap pagi.

Kami tidak berjalan setiap pagi.

Apakah kita berjalan setiap pagi?

e) Dia menertawakan lelucon itu. >> Dia menertawakan lelucon itu.

Dia tidak menertawakan lelucon itu.

Apakah dia menertawakan lelucon itu?

f) Saya terbang ke Selatan. >> Saya terbang ke selatan.

Saya tidak terbang ke Selatan.

Apakah saya terbang ke Selatan?

⇒⇒ Kata kerja Present continuous >>> menggambarkan tindakan yang terjadi pada saat berbicara.

Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang. - Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang.

Annie pergi ke sekolah. - Annie pergi ke sekolah.

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