1- produza um diálogo de no mínimo 7 falas para cada participante. 2- Façam em duplas 3- Use o simple past e o past continuous para a produção desse texto. 4- Comece o diálogo com: " What were you doing? I was going to....."
Soluções para a tarefa
A: What were you doing at the bookstore yesterday?
B: I was going to buy a book, but I changed my mind.
A: Why did you change your mind?
B: Because it was more expensive than I expected. And I didn't have enough money, anyways.
A: Oh, I get. Wait... was it the book we need to finish our paper?
B: Yeah, it was! I don't know what to do now since I couldn't afford it and can't find it anywhere else, not even online.
A: Well that's bloody awful. I had totally forgotten about that darn book and now I'm a tad uneasy to hear that it's both expensive and hard to find.
B: I know, right? But I guess we're just as effed up as all the other students.
A: How's that so?
B: From what I've heard, no one else was able to afford that overpriced book. So if no one was able to grab a copy, there ain't gonna be any paper to hand in!
A: Yeah... But you're familiar with Mr Dickhead's bullshittery: he'll just make everybody fail his class and will pat himself on the back for being such a gargantuan SOB, and there'll be nothing left for us to do regarding his behaviour...
B: I'm well-aware of it, but I can't really think of what else could be done to solve our problem.
A: We could go back to the bookstore to steal the book...
B: That's just brilliant! Go to jail because for stealing an effing book! You've gotta be kidding me!
A: Of course I was kidding, B. How dumb do you think I am?
B: Very.
A: Everybody knows that killing Mr Whatshisname is the answer to all our problems....