1. Preencha os espaços com o futuro imediato:
a) We-----------------------------soccer tonight. ( to play)
b) ---------you---------------------------all your Money on clothes? ( to wear)
c) She------------not--------------------------to you now. ( to talk)
d) They----------not --------------------------in you! ( to believe)
e) The children-------------------------------all their toys. ( to keep)
f) Jonh----------------------------------- a great party! ( to make)
g) --------you-----------------------------now? ( to come out)
h) We------------------------------our exercises in the morning.( to do)
i) My parents ------------------------------a new car today. ( to buy)
j) He-----------not---------------------------this book again. ( to read)
2 – Escreva as frases a seguir no futuro com will:
a) We/ to buy/ a house on the beach next year.
b) You/ to travel /abroad next month?
c) They/ to make/ a delicious lunch in the next weekend.
d) I/ to study/ Medicine when I finish my high school.
e) Her friends/ to pay/ a visit for her tomorrow.
f) Your sister/ to arrive/ in Brazil netx week?
g) He/ not to come/ here tomorrow.
h) You/ to watch/ the next Fast’n Furious?
i) The boys/ not to play/ the next week.
j) The cats/ to catch/ all the mices there.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a) We playing soccer tonight.
dizer que futuro imediato refere-se ao gerundio. ( ndo)
Exemplo: na lingua Portuguesa.
Fazer = fazendo ( Exemplo de um futuro proximo -- estarei fazendo atividades Escolares no periodo de tarde).
Existe certeza, por essa razao denomina-se futuro imediato.
Jogar = Jogando
Na lingua Inglesa (ing)
Do = Doing
Play = Playing
its called ING form.
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