Português, perguntado por nauanycalura7421, 8 meses atrás

1) Preencha as lacunas usando o verbo no tempo correto usando o ‘present continuous’ ou o ‘present perfect continuous’: Mary likes to travel to preservation parks. She __________ (travel) with her friends this week. She __________ (travel) with them since 2005. They __________ (discuss) about the necessity of preserving wild life. She __________ (think) about studying environmental management. Assinale a alternativa que tem a conjugação correta dos verbos nos tempos verbais sugeridos: Alternativas: a) is travelled - has travelling - have been discussing - is thinking. b) has travelling - has been travelling - have been discussing - was thinking. c) is travelling - has been travelling - have been discussing - is thinking. d) is travelling - is been travelling - have been discussing - has thinking. e) is travelling - have been travelling - have been discussing - are thinking. 2) Leia as frases sobre esportes e decida se os determinantes ‘both, either, neither’ estão sendo usados corretamente. Marque (V) se for verdadeiro e (F) se for falso: ( ) Peter doesn’t like to play neither volleyball nor basketball. ( ) Either football and rugby can be played with groups of friends in a field. ( ) Helena enjoys both summer and winter sports. She skies every year. ( ) Water polo can be either played for fun or as a professional sport. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta: Alternativas: a) V – F – V – V. b) V – F – V – F. c) V – F – F – F. d) V – V – F – F. e) F – F – V – V. 3) Leia as orações abaixo e escolha as que estão na ordem correta dos advérbios. I- Mary lived five years ago in Hong Kong. II- Chris and Mark want to study Ancient Art in Athens next year. III- Kate has worked hard travelling to London every other month. IV- Is it important to speak nowadays a foreign language? Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as orações com a ordem correta no uso dos advérbios: Alternativas: a) I e II. b) I e IV. c) II e IV. d) II e III. e) III e IV. 4) Leia as orações abaixo e decida

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Respondido por izabelly666

Resposta: 1-C




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