Inglês, perguntado por douglassantossd314, 4 meses atrás

1. Preencha as lacunas com o simple past dos verbos entre os parênteses.


She (work) ______________  in a ship when she was young.
Resposta:  She worked in a ship when she was young.

1.   Tom (live) ______________  in the United States when he was young.

2.   When I was young, I (study) ______________ very hard to go to college.

3.   We (watch) ______________  an excellent movie last night.

4.   Alex (ask) ______________  for a new computer for his birthday.

5.   I (stop) ______________  eating so much last year and now I am thin.

6.   They (live) ______________  in the state of Paraná for many years.

7.   Andrew (stay) ______________  with his grandparents during school vacation.

8.   The children (listen) ______________  to the story very carefully.

9.   When I was young, I (prefer) ______________ chocolate ice-cream. Now I prefer vanilla.

10.  He (clean) ______________  the windows last week.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por felpuldo605


1) lived

2) studied

3) watched

4) asked

5) stopped

6) lived

7) stayed

8) listened

9) preferred

10) cleaned

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