Inglês, perguntado por Débora011, 11 meses atrás

1) Passe para interrogativa e negativa:
a) Sally washed the dishes last night.
b) Paul called his mother this morning.
c) Glenda talked to me an hour ago.
d) The little dog fallowed her for two hours.
e) Mother cooked black beans yesterday.
f) The fire occurred while we were out of the house.
g) Our company developed a new communication system.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por penadaniel
a) Sally washed the dishes last night.
Did Sally wash the dishes last night?
Sally didn't wash the dishes last night.

b) Paul called his mother this morning.
Did Paul call his mother this morning?
Paul didn't call his mother this morning.

c) Glenda talked to me an hour ago.
Did Glenda talk to me an hour ago?
Glenda didn't talk to me an hour ago.

d) The little dog fallowed her for two hours. 
Did the little dog follow her for two hours.
The little dog didn't follow her for two hours.

e) Mother cooked black beans yesterday. 
Did mother cook black beans yesterday?
Mother didn't cook black beans yesterday.
f) The fire occurred while we were out of the house. 
Did the fire occur while we were out of the house?
The fire didn't occur while we were out of the house.

g) Our company developed a new communication system.
Did our company develop a new communication system?
Our company didn't develop a new communication system.
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