Inglês, perguntado por xXWilliamXx, 1 ano atrás

1- Passe as sentenças que estão no simple Present para as três formas do "Simple Past"

a- Janet closes her eyes when she kisses James
b- He often omits his opinion
c- The thieves plan to escape from prison
d- My father never admits  his mistakes
e- He tell beautiful stories to the children
f- Her heart beats with joy when she sees you
g- She says that he is at home
h- He teaches very fast
I- I run very fast
j- My son buy many clothes

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por VitorBap
a- Janet closed her eyes whe she kissed James
b- He often omited his opinion
c- The thieves planned to escape from prision
d- My father never admited his mistakes
e- He told beautiful stories to the children
f- Her heart beat whe she saw you (o simple past só tira o s) 
g- She said that he was at home
h- He taught very fast
i- I ran very fast
j- My son bought many clothes

xXWilliamXx: valeu cara,me ajudou muito
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