Inglês, perguntado por hs0898296, 8 meses atrás

1- Passe as sentenças a seguir para o "Past Perfect" na forma negativa.

a) Clarissa had started her lecture when my phone rang.
b) Poe had forgotten his books at home
c) He had cleaned the house before his mother arrived.
d) I had finished my paper.
e) he hadn't bought flour for the cake.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por unknownuser777


Clarissa hadn't started her lecture when my phone rang

Poe hadn't forgotten his books at home

he hadn't cleaned the house before his mother arrivied

i hadn't finishied my paper

he hadn't bought flour for the cake

hs0898296: muuuuuuito obgd
hs0898296: vc é um/uma anjo/anja
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