Inglês, perguntado por Alinecristina62, 9 meses atrás

(1)Passe as frases para o plural:
a)this book is mine
b)i am will today
c)she likes you
d)that pencil belongs do jane
e)the child is beautiful
f)the plane is in the sky
(2)escreva as frases na 3 pessoa do singular
a)i like history(she)
b)they teach english(He
c)you wash the plants(he)
d)i speak english(she)
e)they go to school by bus(mary)
f)we catch the ball(the goalkuper
g)you are smarks(she)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MVR2004

1)a) These books are mine.

b) We will today

c) They like you

d) These pencils belongs to Jane

e) The children are beautiful

f) The planes are in the sky

2) a) She like history

b) He teach english

c He wash the plants

d) She speak english

e) Mary go to school by bus

f) The goalkeeper catch the ball

g) She is smarks

gabiihsanroscab: Quando você passa um verbo pra terceira pessoa, tem que colocar “s” no final aa
Respondido por gabiihsanroscab

1. a) These books are mine

b) We will today (??)

c) They like you

d) Those pencils belong to Jane

e) The children are beautiful

f) The planes are in the sky

2. a) She likes history

b) He teaches english

c) He washes the plants (o certo seria He waters the plants, acho)

d) She speaks english

e) Mary goes to school by bus

f) The goalkeeper catches the ball

g) She is smarks (??)

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