Inglês, perguntado por bwnejene, 9 meses atrás

1)passe as frases para forma interrogativa

a)you are de teacher

b)it is an orange

c)they are doctors

d)you are well

2) passe as frases do exercício anterior para a forma negativa

3) passe as mesmas frases para forma abreviada

4) mude as frases para o passado

a) you Can holpyou

b)she can help me

d)we can drive


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

1. a) Are you the teacher?

b) Is it an orange?

c) Are they doctors?

d) Are you well? (o mais apropriado de se usar seria o Ok ou o fine, em vez de well).

2. a) you are not the teacher.

b) it is not an orange.

c) they are not doctors.

d) you are not well.

3.  a) You're  the teacher.

b) It's an orange.

c) they're doctors.

d) You're well.

4. a) you could not help.

b) she could not help me.

c) we could not drive .

Respondido por eleven011mike


A) Are you the teacher ?

B) Is it an orange ?

C) Are they doctors ?

D) Are you well ?


A- You are not the teacher

B- It is not an orange

C- They are not doctors

D- You are not well


A- You aren’t the teacher

B- It isn’t an orange

C- They aren’t doctors

D- You aren’t well

Desculpe mas a 4 não sei espero ter ajudado do mesmo jeito.

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