Inglês, perguntado por VinnyMatias, 1 ano atrás

1 Passe as frases a seguir para a forma negativa ou interrogativa, conforme indicado?

a-this exercise is as easy as the last on (interrogativa)

b-today is as cold as yesterday (negativa)

c-this game is as complicated as that on (interrogativa)

2 de as formas negativas e interrogativa das frases a abaixo 
 a-we will make a cake tomorrow

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tavareslucasp21
1.a) Is this exercise as easy as the last one?
b) Today isn't as cold as yesterday
C) Is this game as complicated as that one?

2.a) Interrogative: Will we make a cake tomorrow?
Negative: We won't make a cake tomorrow.
Respondido por camiifurtado
1 a)  Is this exercise as easy as the last one? 

b) Today isn't as cold as yesterday

c) Is this game as complicated as that one?

2) Interrogativa::: Will we make a cake tomorrow?

Negativa:::: We won't make a cake tomorrow

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