Inglês, perguntado por dressa456, 9 meses atrás

1- Passar para o second conditional.

a) I__________(not have) to work, I_________(go) to the beach today

b) She_________(buy) a new house, If she_________(have) a million dollars.

c) If it____________(not rains), I______________(not go) to the park.

Por favor Me ajudem....​

Usuário anônimo: a) If I don't have to work, I will go to the beach today

b) She will buy a new house, If she has a million dollars.

c) If it doesn't rain, I will not go to the park. (problema! dois negativos)
dressa456: obrigada ❤
ndahora: Tá errado!
A segunda condicional é: If + passado subjuntivo (simple past) + would + infinitivo.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ndahora


a) If I didn’t have to work, I would go to the beach today.

b) She would buy a new house, If she had a million dollars.

c) If it didn’t rain, I wouldn’t go to the park.  (Essa está inconsistente, por serem duas orações negativas, quando na condicional, uma deve ser positiva e outra negativa).


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