Inglês, perguntado por maiagrazi1213, 9 meses atrás

1) Pass to the sentences to the negative and interrogative form:

a) My friends talked to me in the party. Meus amigos conversaram comigo na festa.
| -

b) The old man drove his new red Ferrari car. O velho homem dirigiu sue novo carro vermelho da Ferrari.

c) The young man wrote a in poem to his girfriend. O jovem homem escreveu um poema para sua namorada.

d) The grandfather watched a good soccer match. O avô assistiu a uma boa partida de futebol.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Shrimp7

A) My friends talked to me in the party.

N- My friends didn't talk to me in the party.

| - Did my friends talk to me in the party ?

B) The old man drove his new red Ferrari car.

N- The old man didn't drive his new red Ferrari car.

I- Did the old man drive his new red Ferrari car ?

C) The young man wrote a in poem to his girlfriend.

N- The young man didn't write a in poem to his girlfriend.

I- Did the young man write a in poem to his girlfriend ?

D) The grandfather watched a good soccer match.

N- The grandfather didn't watch a good soccer match.

I- Did the grandfather watch a good soccer match ?

⟩⟩ No Simple Past usamos o verbo auxiliar did para formarmos sentenças negativas e interrogativas, veja como fazer;

⟩ Para formar uma frase interrogativa usamos o did antes do sujeito da oração, e o verbo principal no infinitivo sem o “to”.

  • Did you like ?
  • Did they sleep ?
  • Did she dream ?

⟩ Para formar uma frase negativa usamos o did após o sujeito da oração junto ao not e o verbo principal no infinitivo.

  • I didn't like
  • You didn't save
  • She didn't find

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||Bons estudos//

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