Inglês, perguntado por maysagomes781, 7 meses atrás

1- observe the exerpt forma interview in "texts in dialogue" and answer the questions
"OB: Why did you decide to integrate text into you work?
HP: text became important because I wanted people to cleary indestand what I was sayng"

A) wich period in time are the question and the answer referring to:the past, the present or the futuro?

B) How do you know that? In the exerpt, find a verb that justifies your answer

C)observe the Word in bold in the exerpt and answer the question belo.
|-which auxiliary verb is usei to form the questions?
||- whats is the main verb in the question?

2-observe another excerpt of the original interview with Howarden pindell and find what is requested
" when I created my works with the number, I used archival spray, but I didnt like the rubery book of it, só I started putting baby powder on the surface to soften the visual impression"

A) three verb in the affirmative form of the past simple

B) one verb in the negative form of the past simple

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por inesalves29

As questões devem ser respondidas da seguinte forma:


A) The period of time the question and the answer are referring to is the past

B) The verb "wanted" is in the past.

C) |-did

   ||- integrate


A) created, used and started.

B) didn't like

Para responder, é importante atentar às regras de formação do Past Simple.

Past Simple

  • Na afirmativa, deve-se acrescentar ao verbo no inifinitivo o sufixo -ed;
  • Na negativa, utilizamos o verbo auxiliar didn't ("I didn't work);
  • Na interrogativa, utilizamos o verbo auxiliar did ("Did I work?).

Saiba mais sobre o Past Simple aqui:


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