Inglês, perguntado por millanesouzacastro00, 10 meses atrás

1)O plural de buzz, country e shelf é:
a) buzz, countres, shelfs
b) buzzes, countries, shelves
c) buzzes, countres, shelves
d) buzzes, countrys, shelves
e) buzz, countres, shelves
2)_____ names were published in this list.
a) Hundreds
b) Hundreds of
c) Hundred
d) Hundred of
e) Five hundreds of
3)The United States ____________ a big country.
a) is
b) are
c) have
d) a e b são corretas
e) todas são corretas
4) ___________ are generally big and black animals.
a) Ox
b) Oxes
c) Oxen
d) Foxen
e) Fox
5)The plural of louse and mouse is:
a) louses – mouses
b) lice – mice
c) lice – mouses
d) louses – mice
e) a and b are corrects

6) The little _________ are in that __________.
a) foxes – boxes
b) fox – box
c) foxen – box
d) foxes – box
e) foxen – boxen
7) Their ___________ are against their attitudes.
a) believe
b) belief
c) believes
d) beliefs
e) believ
8) The plural of brother – in – law is:
a) brothers – in – law
b) brother – in – laws
c) brothers – in – laws
d) brethren – in – laws
e) it has no plural

me ajudem pfr​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Harumi023


1-item b

2- item b



5-item b

6-item a

7- item d

8-item a


Harumi023: Na 4, se tiver se referindo a uma raposa(fox), o plural mais correto seria foxes, mas parece que foxen é um termo que também é utilizado pelos gringos,então, eu não tenho muita certeza se está correto ou não, mas pelo menos tentei reponder ( desculpa a demora tbm)
millanesouzacastro00: obrigadooooooo
millanesouzacastro00: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
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