Inglês, perguntado por marianesolatonhata, 8 meses atrás

1. Nesta frase: “Amanda is wearing his black coat today”, qual palavra é um adjetivo? *




2. Qual é o objetivo principal deste texto?

To encourage people to adopt dogs.

To encourage people to report animal cruelty.

Fear not!Many elderly think that exercising puts them at an increased risk for falling, but in fact the opposite is true.Regular exercise helps to build strength, prevent the loss of bone mass and improve your risk of falling

3. O texto acima enfatiza a importância da: *

alimentação saudável.

prática de exercícios físicos.

prática de repousos frequentes.

Leia o texto para responder às questões 4 e 5.

Adjetivos são palavras que dão qualidades/características a substantivos e pronomes.
Are like apples
On trees. The best ones
Are at the top of the tree.
The boys don’t want to reach
For the good ones because they
Are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples.

4. São adjetivos presentes nesse trecho do poema: *

boys - girls

good - boys

good – rotten

5. Indique qual é a comparação feita nesse trecho do poema: *

garotas comparadas a maças.

garotos comparados com árvores.

garotos comparados com garotas.

Leia o texto:

Read the opinion of someone about foods from some

In Britain there are many different types of cooking, with all Indian restaurants, Chinese, Thai, Italian… the list is endless. But Mexican food was definitely the spiciest food I’ve had, so that even on fruit we often had chilli. Japanese food – this was probably the healthiest food and the most delicious, and I love sushi. Choosing between Mexico, England and Japan, I think Mexico is my favourite.

“But Mexican food was definitely the spiciest food I’ve had”.

6. De acordo com a frase acima, o país onde há a comida mais apimentada é: *




7. “Japanese food – this was probably the healthiest food andthe most delicious, and I love sushi”. O significado de the healthiest food/the most delicious é, respectivamente: *

delicioso/mais saudável

a comida mais saudável/a mais deliciosa

saudável comida/deliciosa

8. Is Patrick ______ as you? *

as tall

as taller


9. Bob is _____ now than he was yesterday. *




10. Can Bob run ______ Jack? *

faster than

fast as

as faster as

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por alicenottwonderland


1. black

3. prática de exercícios físicos

4. good - rotten

5. garotas comparadas a maçãs.

6. México

7. a comida mais saudável/mais deliciosa

8. as taller

9. better

10. faster than


o texto da 2 não aparece.

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