1. Na formação dos verbos frasais (Phrasal verbs), geralmente a preposição “UP” tem o significado de “Completamente”. Em qual das frases abaixo esta preposição é literal, isto é, significa “Para cima”.
A) Let’s wrap up this conversation.
B) Eat up your sandwich!
C) Look up to see the flags!
D) Speak up! I can’t understand what you are saying.
2. Em qual das frases abaixo posso incluir o phrasal verb “Get off”:
A) Could you plesase _____ of my way!
B) I can’t be in this car anymore! I need to ______
C) This train is too crowded. I need to ______
D) This couple is fighting all the time, I think they are ______
3. Em qual frase abaixo o uso do “That” estaria errôneo:
A) The flowers _____ grow in this garden are beautiful
B) This is the girl _____ comes from Spain
C) The boys_____ I told you
D) Cars, _____ don’t have seat belts, aren’t allowed to carry children.
4. Os pronomes relativos das frases abaixo são, respectivamente:
The man _________ lives here is an engineer
I know _________ the books are
The girl _________arrived is beautiful!
A) Whose, where, who
B) Where, where, that
C) Who, where, that
D) That, where, whose
5. Em qual frase abaixo o pronome relativo é utilizado erroneamente:
a) Jim passed his driving test which surprised everybody.
b) The hotel where I stayed wasn’t very clean.
c) What was the name of the person whose car broke down?
d) I recently went back to the town which I was brought up in.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1) alternativa C.
2) alternativa A. Could you please get off my way.
3) alternativa B. O certo seria "this is the girl WHO comes from Spain.
4) alternativa C.
5) não tem uma alternativa e? pq todas essas estão certas.......
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