Inglês, perguntado por waitzmann028, 8 meses atrás

1)My sister ___ tomorrow. (TRAVEL = viajar) *
travel will
will travel
will traveling
2)He ___ with us. (FISH = pescar) *
fishing will
fish will
will fish
3)I ___ my exercises. (DO = fazer) *
am doing
is doing
are doing
4)Paulo and Ricardo ___ soccer. (PLAY = jogar) *
am playing
is playing
are playing
5)João ___ a cup of coffe. (DRINK = beber) *
am drinking
is drinking
are drinking
6)A forma correta da frases "Os meninos estão consertando minha bicicleta." é: *
The boys will fix my bicycle.
The boys fix my bicycle.
The boys are fixing my bicycle.
7)Are those girls dancing (Aquelas meninas estão dançando)? *
Yes, I am.
Yes, she is.
Yes, they are.

Soluções para a tarefa

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1. will travel

2. will fish

3. am doing

4. are playing

5. is drinking

6. The boys are fixing my bicycle.

7. Yes, they are.

espero ter ajudado:)

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