1.Math the food on the left with its description on the right
a)Feijoada b)Coxinha de frango c)Brigadeiro d)Quindim e)Pão de queijo
( )Literally 'cheese bread ',it's a small roll made of manioc flour and cheese
( )This is probably the most popular Brazilian candy .Its ingredients are chocolate powder condensed milk and beuter.
( )Possibly the most jamous branzilian dish, it's Black bean and meat stew that you eat with rice, farofa and Orange silires.
( )A popular smack in Brazil, it's a chicken croquette with the shape of a chicken thigh.
( )This Word comes from a bantu language ,meaming the gestores and characteristics of teenage girls. Now it's the name of a popular dessert in Brazil, Its man ingredients are sugar ,coconut, mas lots of egg yolks That 's why it's yellow
por favorrrrr
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
=as respostas estão na ordem=
(e) pão de queijo
(c) brigadeiro
(a) feijoada
(b) coxinha de frango
(d) quindim
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