Inglês, perguntado por ps8125481, 5 meses atrás

1 – Match the columms. Marque as colunas.
( a ) If they had driven more carefully...... ( ) the accident wouldn’t have happened.
( b ) If Susie had saved Money ..... ( ) nobody would have come to rescue you.
( c ) If I had listened to your advice,.... ( ) he would have chosen Liz.
( d ) If you hadn’t shouted,.... ( ) she would have bought her own house.
( e ) If we had had leisure time,...... ( ) we would have had more fun.
( f ) If he hadn’t married Susie..... ( ) I wouldn’t have gone out in the rain.
2 – Underline the correct form to make conditional sentences;
A) If you pour/ would pour oil on water, the oil floats.
B) If I see Mark tomorrow, I tell / will tell him the News.
C) Ww won’t travel/ wouldn’t travel by train if the ticket prices go up.
D) I would go to themovies with you if you got/ would get here in time.
E) Ice melts if we will heat/ heat it
If you visit/ will visit Florianópolis, you will have a great time.
F) If we had had/ had longer vacations, we would go to Paris.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sofysoliver
a - 1
b - 4
c - 6
d - 2
e - 5
f - 3
a - if you pour
b - will tell
c - won’t travel
d - if you got
e - heat it
? - if you visit
f - had longer vacations
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