1. Marque as frases que estão na voz passiva:
a. "What kind of music will be played in each of the two concerts?"
b. "It was written by one of the people 'behind-the-scenes'."
c. "Celtic Colours has earned a reputation for showcasting traditional and contemporary music and artists, paired with workshops and exhibits against the backdrop of beautiful Cape Breton."
2. Marque a alternativa correta:
a. Which verb is always part of the passive voice?
I. will
II. be
III. do
b. Can all verb tenses be used in the passive voice?
I. yes II. no
c. In what verb form are the verbs played, written and carned being used?
I. Infinitive
II. Simple past
III.Past participle
d. Which of these words precede the agent in the passive voice?
I. by
II. to
III. when
e. What is the focus of a sentence in the passive voice?
I. the action
II. person or thing that did the action
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Active and passive voice
1. Marque as frases que estão na voz passiva:
a. "What kind of music will be played in each of the two concerts?" √
b. "It was written by one of the people 'behind-the-scenes'." √
c. "Celtic Colours has earned a reputation for showcasting traditional and contemporary music and artists, paired with workshops and exhibits against the backdrop of beautiful Cape Breton."
2. Marque a alternativa correta:
a. Which verb is always part of the passive voice?
I. will
II. be √
III. do
b. Can all verb tenses be used in the passive voice?
I. yes √
II. no
c. In what verb form are the verbs played, written and earned being used?
I. Infinitive
II. Simple past
III. Past participle √
d. Which of these words precede the agent in the passive voice?
I. by √
II. to
III. when
e. What is the focus of a sentence in the passive voice?
I. the action √
II. person or thing that did the action
→→ Voz ativa - sujeito pratica a ação do verbo
John drives a black car. - John dirige um carro preto.
John - sujeito
black car – objeto
→→ Voz passiva - objeto será o sujeito da passiva
The black car is driven by John. - O carro preto é dirigido pelo John.
the black car - sujeito da passiva
John - objeto
Aprenda mais em:
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26195380
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/26758566
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/27523629