Inglês, perguntado por armyloka033, 8 meses atrás

1)Marque a alternativa que traz o uso do present continuous empregado de forma correta. She are running yesterday.
A)Darvim is cooking the lunch last week.
B)Laura isn´t jumping with her brother now.
C)Are they speaking French at this yesterday?
D)Is he runnying now?

2) Marque a alternativa incorreta em relação ao presente continuous. *

A)I writing the English lesson.

B)Ashley at this moment isn´t studying for the test.

C)Are you preparing the dinner?

D)Juca is going to the supermarket.

E)John and Mare are studying Italy.

3)Assinale a única alternativa que traz o presente continuous empregado corretamente *

A)Is she going to the club now?

B)Was she going to the club now?

C)They were playing guitar.

D)Lucas are loving Maria.

E)Where do you go.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

1. B) Laura isn't jumping with her brother now.

2. A) I writing the English lesson.

3. A) Is she going to the club now?

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