Inglês, perguntado por maiareficco635, 5 meses atrás

1-Marque a alternativa que tenha a seqüência correta dos verbos nas frases abaixo:

I. You ___ speak too loud, the baby is sleeping.
II. I ___ wear glasses because I can’t see very well.
III. Joseph was late this morning because he ___ wait a long time for the bus.
IV. The exams are next week. I ___ work harder.

(A) had to – don’t have to – had to – must

(B) mustn’t – have to – has to – mustn’t

(C) don’t have to – mustn’t – must – have to

(D) mustn’t – have to – had to – must

(E) have to – must – has to – don’t have to

2- Julgue C (certo) ou E (errado) as afirmações abaixo e depois marque a alternativa com a sequência correta.

I. My wife must go to work today. It’s a holiday.
II. You don’t have to stop at the red light.
III. All the students have to obey the school rules.

(A) E – E – C

(B) C – E – E

(C) C – E – C

(D) C – C – E

(E) E – C – C

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por claudetepinheiro05


1 (((((D))))

2 ((((((A)))))



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