Inglês, perguntado por andreyna267, 9 meses atrás

1 marque a alternativa que representa o uso correto do "present continuous".

a) paul is work in the Garden at this moment.
b) paul is working in the Garden at this moment.
c) paul working in the Garden at this moment.
d) paul are working in the Garden at this moment.

2) qual é a forma interrogativa da frase:"the Cat is running fast"?

a) running the Cat is fast?
b) ls the Cat running fast?
c) the is Cat running fast?
d) the Cat is running fast?

3) as frases abaixo estão na forma afirmativa do present continuous.passe - as para a forma negativa e interrogativa.

a) they are teaching english at my School.

b) she is cleaning the room.

c) l am learning portuguese this year.

d) she is writing the email now.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por moonat25



3-a) they aren't teaching english at mt school

are they teaching english at my school?

)b she isn't cleaning the room

is she cleaning the room?

c) I am not learning portuguese this year

Am I learning portuguese this year? ou Are you learning portuguese this year?

d) She isn't writing the email now

Is she writing the email now?

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