Inglês, perguntado por cassanegojonathaniff, 8 meses atrás

1. Marque a alternativa correta para formar o superlativo.

a) He is ............................. (tall) boy in the classroom

( ) the tallest. ( ) the tall

b) I live in ....................... (big) house on the street.

( ) the big ( ) the biggest

c) She is ....................... (nice) girl I know

( ) the nicest ( ) the nice

d) She is ........................ (happy) person I know.

( ) the happiest ( ) happiest

e) It is ..............................(new) clothe I have.

( ) the newest. ( ) the new​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lauraspaixao15


the tallest

the biggest

the nicest

the happiest

the newest

espero ter ajudado, e espero que esteja certo<3


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