Inglês, perguntado por carolzinharamop9t92z, 11 meses atrás

1 - Marque a alternativa correta:

1- "Access to health care ____ be universal [...]
A ( ) mustn't
B ( ) may
C ( ) not may
D ( ) shouldn't
E ( ) must

2 - I _____ go to the beach on Saturday if it doesn't rain.
A ( ) can't
B ( ) might
C ( ) Will
D ( ) mustn't
E ( ) shouldn't

3 - In my opinion, you ____ talk to someone about that problem.

A ( ) mustn't
B ( ) can't
C ( ) will
D ( ) should
E ( ) might

4 - A researcher is _____ carefully investigates and studies a subject

A ( ) which
B ( ) Whose
C ( ) Who
D ( ) Where
E ( ) When

5 - People were put in a functional MRI machine _____ their brains were scanned.
A ( ) Where
B ( ) When
C ( ) Who
D ( ) Which
E ( ) Whose

|| - Ligue as colunas com o "Question tag" adequado:
1- Ana told you she would always love you,

2- Lucas does his activities before watching TV every night,

3- I am the one who has given you a shoulder to cry on,

4- You"ll warn me if I do something wrong,

5-Your assistant is also going to help me,

( ) Won't you?
( ) Isn't she?
( ) Didn't he?
( ) Doesn't he?
( ) Arent't I?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gabrielwaperiuovk9g1


1- must (e)

2- (poderia ser tanto will quanto might, sendo que might indica uma possibilidade). [mas vê sobre essa aí porque ta confusa]

3- should (d)

4- who (who)

5- where


1- didn't she?

2- doesn't he?

3- aren't I?

4- won't you?

5- isn't she?

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Question tags

⇒⇒  Modal verbs

I - Marque a alternativa correta:

Access to health care must be universal [...]

I will go to the beach on Saturday if it doesn't rain.

In my opinion, you should talk to someone about that problem.

A researcher is who carefully investigates and studies a subject .

People were put in a functional MRI machine where their brains were scanned.

|| - Ligue as colunas com o "Question tag" adequado:

1- Ana told you she would always love you,  didn't she?

2- Lucas does his activities before watching TV every night, doesn't he?

3- I am the one who has given you a shoulder to cry on,  aren't I?

4- You"ll warn me if I do something wrong,  won't you?

5-Your assistant is also going to help me, isn't she?

(4) Won't you?

( ) Isn't she?

(1) Didn't he?

(2) Doesn't he?

(3) Arent't I?​

As ''question tags'' são usadas para confirmar ou questionar uma determinada informação anteriormente mencionada em uma frase. (é como se fosse o nosso ''né?'')

Você vai na festa, não vai?

              ║                 ║

     afirmativa       negativa

Você não vai na festa, né / vai?

          ║                             ║

    negativa                 afirmativa

→→ A ''question tag'' sempre aparece no fim da sentença, separada por uma vírgula e ponto de interrogação no final.

→→ A ''question tag'' tem que usar o mesmo verbo que está na primeira parte da frase, não se esquecendo dos auxiliares do - does - did e ''modal verbs'', quando necessário.

→→ Se a sentença está na forma afirmativa, a ''question tag'' tem que ser na forma negativa.

You are studying German, aren't you?

They are playing chess, aren't they?

→→ Se a sentença está na forma negativa, a ''question tag'' tem que ser na forma afirmativa.

She is not going home, is she?

The kids are not studying now, are they?

→→ Se a sentença não tem verbo ''to be''', a question tag será feita usando o auxiliar DO - DOES para o presente e DID para o passado.

Paul likes to play golf, doesn't he? - afirmativa - negativa

We don't want to travel, do we?

Paul went to play golf, didn't he? - afirmativa passado - negativa

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