Inglês, perguntado por looira, 1 ano atrás

1 - Make questions in the past simple, and add shot answers.
A - You / go / to the concert / yestuday? / yes.
B - Your mum / make / this cake? / yes.
C - They / win / the race? / no.
D - Rick / get / an invitation / to the party? / yes.
E - You / bring / my book back? / no.

2 - Make sentences using the correct form of the past simple.
A - I / listen / to music / yesterday evening
B - Sarah / play / volleyball / last year / but / she / not like / it
C - Last weekend / we / visit / our grandmother
D - Tim and Gerry / start / a new English course / last month?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Jinx
A- Did you go to the concert yesterday? Yes, I did
B- Did your mom make this cake? Yes, she did
C- Did they win te race? No, they didn't
D- Did Rick get an invitation to the party? Yes, he did
E- Did you bring my book back? No, I didn't

A- I listened to music yesterday evening
B- Sarag played volleyball last year but she not liked it
C - Last weekend we visited our grandmother
D- Did Tim and Gerry start a new English course last month?

bubuti: a resposta b da numero 2 esta errada. a resposta certa é:
bubuti: Sarah played volleyball last year but she didn't like it.
looira: Muito obrigada!
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