Inglês, perguntado por zSrJinka4607, 1 ano atrás

1-Look at the following requests make them more polite.
a)I want a return ticket to Guildfore.
b)What’s the cost?
c)When does the train leave?
d)Where do I change?
e)What did you say?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por uwustefani
a) I would like a return ticket fo Guildfore, please.

b) Could you inform me how much it costs?

c) Excuse-me, do you know when the train leaves?

d) May you tell me where I (do) change, please?

e) I am sorry/pardon, can you repeat what you've said, please?

espero ter sido de ajuda para seus estudos! e boa sorte ♡
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