Inglês, perguntado por albericoneto302040, 6 meses atrás

1.Leia o texto e responda a questão abaixo.

Bob´s Vacation

Tess – What did you do on your vacation?
Bob – I visited my cousins in the countryside.
Tess – Did you enjoy your trip?
Bob – Yes, I did. In fact I did a lot of things that I never do here.
Tess – Really?! What did you do?
Bob – In the morning I walked along a lake. In the afternoon I watched the birds and the sunset. And at night I played cards.
Tess - Did you do the same every day?
Bob – Of course not. On weekends we organized parties. My cousins played the guitar and I prepared the food.
Tess – Prepared the food on weekends?! Thank God I didn’t go with you.

O que Bob fez as noites nas suas férias?
(2 Pontos)
He prepared the food.
He played cards.
He watched the birds and the sunset.
2.Complete usando o POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS correto.

"The cell phone belongs to you. It is ______ cell phone."
(2 Pontos)
3.Complete usando o POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS correto.

"Brian has a new bike. He washes ______ bike every week."
(2 Pontos)
4.Complete usando a TAG QUESTION correta.

"He will do that, _____?"
(2 Pontos)
won’t he
didn't he
will he not
5.Complete usando a TAG QUESTION correta.

"We can't travel now; the traffic isn't over, _____?"Leitura Avançada
(2 Pontos)
hasn’t it
is it
isn’t it

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por RisaWard
1.He played cards.

2. Your

3. His

4. Won't he?

5. Is it?
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