Inglês, perguntado por carolinadossantos415, 5 meses atrás

1- Leia com atenção o texto abaixo e logo após faça o que pede as orientações a seguir.(2,0)
Dear Steve,
I am working very hard these days, but I have some good news. Right now, I'm sitting at a
desk in the Entertainment Section of the Tribune! of course I'm still taking journalism classes
at night as well. The job is temporary - Joe Sims, the regular reporter, is taking this month
off to write a book. This week we are preparing to interview your favorite group, the
Airheads. In fact, at this very moment they are flying into town by helicopter. They are
performing at the Theatre Royal all week. How are you getting on? Are you still writing
music? Oops! He is not calling me. We are leaving for the theatre now. Write soon!
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forma interrogativa conjugadas no tempo verbal Present Continouns.
yerhos que estão nos​

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