Inglês, perguntado por tatafortaleza13, 1 ano atrás

1) Leia as afirmações de I a III abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta.
I - “This booklet will give you an introduction into the world of upcycling.”
II - “You will be able to read more about this environmentally-friendly concept (...).”
III - “We hope we will encourage you to reuse materials (...).”

a) The sentences refer to the:
( ) past ( ) present ( ) future

b) The sentences describe:
( ) expectations and predictions ( ) routine and habits ( ) an action that is happening now

2) Observe as palavras em negrito nas frases do exercício anterior. Podemos dizer que o futuro é formado com:
( ) auxiliary WILL + main verb (in the infinitive without TO)
( ) auxiliary DID + main verb (in the infinitive without TO)
( ) auxiliary DO + main verb (infinitive without TO)

3) Observe as frases abaixo e relacione as colunas para classificá-las:
A - “This booklet will give you an introduction into the world of upcycling.”
( ) Interrogative sentence
B - “(...) it will not show other objects.”
( ) affirmative sentence
C - Which materials (and tools) will you use to make a T-shirt bag?
( ) negative sentence

4) Complete as informações a seguir sobre future forms with WILL. Use as palavras do quadro abaixo:

a - In _________ sentences, we use will + main _________. Example: We will make a denim bag.
b - In negative sentences, we add __________ after will. Example: You will not use all the parts of the T-shirt.
c - In interrogative sentences, we use will __________ the subject. Example: Will she learn to upcycle plastic bottles, too?

5) Coloque as palavras em ordem para dar sentido às frases a seguir:
a) in / Upcycling / business / revolutionize / the near future. / will

b) difficult. / won’t / upcycling / very / find / probably / You

c) schools / how / Will / upcycle / teach / material? / to

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gabrielnascimento632


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otaviolm21gmailcom: não tem problema
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