Inglês, perguntado por talita18moreninha, 3 meses atrás

1. Last night I my keys. (LOSE) 1 I lost ( ) have lost 2. She Paris three times.(VISIT ) ( ) visited ( ) has visited 3. Last month we to Scotland. (GO) ( ) went () has gone 4. You the housework. (DO) ( ) did () have done 5. Tom - a lot lately. He's doing very well in school. ( STUDY) ( ) studied () has studied 6.1 _ to ther USA LAST YEWR. ( TRAVEL) ( ) traveled () have traveled​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por edsonaraujooxs6d6


1- lost

2- has visited

3- went

4- have done

5- has studied

6- traveled



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