Inglês, perguntado por lasanha82, 7 meses atrás

1.(ITA-SP) – The police____him if he tries to cross the border.

a- will arrest
b- would arrest
c- would have arrested
d- arrested
e- arrests

2- Observe as frases abaixo e a estrutura da "IF CLAUSE", e marque RIGHT se estiver correta e WRONG se estiver incorreta.

a- If I go to London, I would send a postcard to you
b- He would pay you if he had money
c- I would answered the telephone, if it had rang.
d- She would have told me if she had seen you.
e- They will come if we invite them.

3- (PUC-PR) – He said: “ I will see you tomorrow.” – O Reported speech é:

a- He said he would see me the next day.
b- He said he would see her the previous day.
c- He said he will see me the following day.
d- He said he will see me the next day.
e- He said to the that he won’t see I tomorrow.

4- Marque o tempo verbal adequado para completar cada sentença das "If Clauses" would study studied had studied study

a- I will do a good test,if I_____Physics.
b- I___________If I saw a ghost.
c- If I Knew your number, I_____you.

5- SÃO LUIS – SP) Escolha a alternativa correspondente ao discurso indireto da seguinte frase: “ He said, “I arrived yesterday.” *

a- He said he had arrived yesterday.
b- He said I had arrived the day before.
c- He said he had arrived the day before.
d- He said he arrived yesterday.
e- He said I arrived the day before.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gleiciane8096


foi o que eu entendi ...

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