Inglês, perguntado por Mariaeliza51, 3 meses atrás

1- If you____________water,, it______________solid. ( freeze) ( become)

2- If I______________to cook, I ____________the food. ( try) ( ruin)

3- If you_____________ice, it ___________. ( heat) ( melt)

4- Fish __________it they_____________out of water. ( die) ( stay)

5- IF it_________________, the grass__________wet. ( rain) ( get)

6- If you _____________you skin____________more quichly. ( smoke) (go)

7- He _____________to work If___________the wether ________good.( cycle) ( be)

2- Complete as lacunas abaixo adotando a primeira condicional.

a) If I __________, I _____ the exam. [Primeiro verbo: study; segundo verbo: pass]

b) If I _______ enough money, I ______ to New York. [Primeiro verbo: have; segundo verbo: go]

c) If you ___________, you _______the bus. [Primeiro verbo: hurry; segundo verbo: miss]

d) If I ______ Bob tonight, I’m ____________ him how angry you are at him. [Primeiro verbo: see; segundo verbo: tell]

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marinaqpellegrini


1. If you freeze water, it will become solid.

2. If I try to cook, I will ruin the food.

3. If you heat ice, it will melt.

4. Fish die if they stay out of water.

5. If it rains, the grass will get wet.

6. If you smoke, your skin goes away more quickly.

7. He cycles to work if the weather is good.

2. Complete as lacunas abaixo adotando a primeira condicional.

a) If I study, I will pass the exam.

b) If I have enough money, I will go to New York.

c) If you don't hurry, you will miss the bus.

d) If I see Bob tonight, I’m telling him how angry you are at him.

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