Inglês, perguntado por Gaarie, 3 meses atrás

1. If you … some eggs, I … some 10. If we … hungry later, we … some
coffee. pizzas.
a) will cook / make a) are / will order
b) cook / will make b) will be / order
2. My brother … his car this afternoon if 11. If my boss … me, I … for a new job
he … enough time. with another company.
a) will wash / has a) will fire / look
b) wash / will have b) fires / will look
3. James … some books if he … to 12. I … my teacher some questions if I
the library. … the lesson.
a) will borrow / goes a) ask / will not understand
b) borrows / will go b) will ask / don’t understand
4. If I … more money, I … a bank 13. Don’t worry! If you … out of the tree,
machine. I … you!
a) need / will find a) fall / will catch
b) will need / find b) will fall / catch
5. Sarah … a doctor if she still … 14. Let’s clean our apartment. If you
sick tomorrow, … the floor, I … the dishes.
a) sees / will feel a) sweep / will wash
b) will see / feels b) will sweep / wash
6. We … a movie tonight if we … 15. If the weather … nice tomorrow, we
bored. … to the beach.
a) watch / will feel a) is / will go
b) will watch / feel b) will be / go

7. If our class … early, I … home and 16. If our teacher … us another test
study. on Monday, I … happy.
a) finishes / will go a) will give / am not happy
b) will finish / go b) gives / will not be
8. If Thomas and Michael …my help 17. We … to bed right away if we …
later, I … them. late tonight.
a) will need / help a) will go / get home
b) need / will help b) go / will get home
9. The children … warm clothes 18. I … a headache if I … to more of
tomorrow if it …cold. that loud music!
a) wear / will be a) will have / listen
b) will wear / is b) have / will listen

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  First Conditional

1. If you cook some eggs, I will make some coffee.

2. My brother will wash his car this afternoon if he has enough time.

3. James will borrow  some books if he goes to the library.  

4. If I need more money, I will find a bank.

5. Sarah  will see a doctor if she still feels sick tomorrow.  

6. We will watch a movie tonight if we feel bored.

7. If our class finishes early, I will go home and study.

8. If Thomas and Michael  need my help, I will help them.  

9. The children will wear warm clothes tomorrow if it is cold.

10. If we are hungry later, we will order some pizzas.

11. If my boss fires me, I will look for a new job with another company.

12. I will ask my teacher some questions if I don't understand the lesson.

13. Don’t worry! If you  fall out of the tree,  I will catch you!

14. Let’s clean our apartment. If you sweep the floor,  I will wash the dishes.

15. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go to the beach.

16. If our teacher gives us another test on Monday,  I will not be happy.

17. We will go to bed right away if we get home later

18. I will have a headache if I  listen to more of  that loud music!


→→ First Conditional / Primeira condicional - Situação real ou possível  


If + present simple + will + verbo+complemento

If she is happy I will be happy.  

If David arrives earlier we will have dinner together.

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