Inglês, perguntado por alexiakarine121, 8 meses atrás

1) Identifique o RELATIVE PRONOUN e seu REFERENTE (a quem está se referindo) em cada frase:

A) This is boy who had an accident

B) Yesterday i saw a car which was really old

C) Mandy is the girl whom i met on Friday

D) I haven't seen Frank, whose brother is five, for a long time now

E) The robber stole the cat that the lady fed every day

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Quindin0213

A) WHO se refere a BOY

B) WHICH se refere a CAR

C) WHO se refere a GIRL

D) WHOSE se refere a FRANK

E) THAT se refere a CAT

alexiakarine121: muito obrigada!!
Quindin0213: de nada :)
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