Inglês, perguntado por Beatrizangulo, 8 meses atrás

1. I.. live.. (live) in Edinburgh.
2. He .......... (do) his homework every evening
3. She's a teacher. She ........... (work) at primary school
4. "Are you a singer?" "No, I'm a pilot. I..... (fly) aeroplanes
5. Joan
(wash) her hair every day.
6. The museum
...... (close) at seven in the evening
7. Daniel
(brush) his teeth every morning
8. She ..
(study) Science at university.
9. Every Saturday, Paul ..... (give) his dog a bath
10. In the mornings, Betty ............... (take) her sister to school
11. We ......... (go) to the swimming pool at the weekend
12. John and Mary .......... (have) a cup of tea in the afternoon

Beatrizangulo: por favor me ajudem

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cronossaurogames


2. He does (do) his homework every evening

3. She's a teacher. She works (work) at primary school

4. "Are you a singer?" "No, I'm a pilot. I flew (fly) aeroplanes

5. Joan

washes her hair every day.

6. The museum

closes (close) at seven in the evening

7. Daniel

brushes (brush) his teeth every morning

8. She studies

(study) Science at university.

9. Every Saturday, Paul gives (give) his dog a bath

10. In the mornings, Betty takes (take) her sister to school

11. We goes (go) to the swimming pool at the weekend

12. John and Mary has (have) a cup of tea in the afternoon


Respondido por jalves26

Preenchendo as frases com verbos no Simple Present, temos:

  • 1. I live in Edinburgh.
  • 2. He does his homework every evening.
  • 3. She's a teacher. She works at primary school
  • 4. "Are you a singer?" "No, I'm a pilot. I fly aeroplanes.
  • 5. Joan washes her hair every day.
  • 6. The museum closes at seven in the evening.
  • 7. Daniel brushes his teeth every morning.
  • 8. She studies Science at university.
  • 9. Every Saturday, Paul gives his dog a bath.
  • 10. In the mornings, Betty takes her sister to school.
  • 11. We goes to the swimming pool at the weekend.
  • 12. John and Mary have a cup of tea in the afternoon.

Simple Present (Presente Simples)

Para saber qual é a forma verbal correta para preencher cada frase, basta identificar o sujeito.

Para os pronomes I (eu), you (você/vocês), we (nós) e they (eles/elas), usamos o verbo em sua forma original.

Para a 3ª pessoa do singular, ou seja, quando o sujeito for he (ele), she (ela) e it (ele/ela para animais ou coisas), acrescentamos -s ou -es ao verbo.

Para os verbos terminados em -y antecedido de consoante, troca-se o -y por -ies apenas na 3ª pessoa do singular.

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