Inglês, perguntado por leilinharodrigues, 9 meses atrás

1. He put the two
under his pillow.
A) tooths
13) teeths
C) teeth
2. The two bank
ere open when the police arrived.
A) saves
B) safes
C) safies
3. He wanted twenty.
Cif the photograph!
A) copy
B copies
C) copyies
4. You can have three
at the answer.
A) guess
B guesses
C) gueses
5. She had left him five
in the sin < to wash up.
A) saucepanes B) saucepans C) saucepanns
6. They went to three different
before they found the wedding.
A) churchs
B) churchies
C) churches
7. Two of the
were identified leaving the scene.
A) thiefs
E\) thieffs
C) thieves
8. The hotel has three
working in the kitchen.
A) chefs
3) cheves
C) chefes
9. I was stuck behind three
all of the way here.
A) lorry
B) lorries
C) lorreys
10. They ate six Danish
between them.
A) pastry
E) pastreys
C) pastries​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


1c. teeth

2b. safes

3b. copies

4b. guesses

5b. saucepans

6c. churches

7c. thieves

8a. chefs

9b. lorries

10c. pastries


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