Inglês, perguntado por rafaelsousa45365667, 10 meses atrás

1. He arrived after lunch.


A palavra em destaque significa:


2. She is at the library.


A palavra em destaque significa:


3. Actually, I think you are right


A palavra em destaque significa:



4. She was the recipient of the Oscar.


A palavra em destaque significa:


5. They tried to obtain money by deception.


A palavra em destaque significa:


6. She pretended to be happy.


A palavra em destaque significa:


7. I attended a meeting today morning.


A palavra em destaque significa:


8. We were invited to a costume party.


A palavra em destaque significa:


9. This is the worst mayor our state has ever had.


A palavra em destaque significa:


10. The teacher used to argue with the students.


A palavra em destaque significa:


11. My father has a very exquisite taste in literature.


A palavra em destaque significa:


12. My brother is an expert in design.


A palavra em destaque significa:


13. We go to college together.


A palavra em destaque significa:


14. The teacher gave us a list of idioms.


A palavra em destaque significa:


15. I will arrange a birthday party for my dad.


A palavra em destaque significa:


16. Leia o texto.


In the morning I attended a meeting between

management and union representatives. The discussion

was very comprehensive, covering topics like working

hours, days off, retirement age, etc. Both sides were

interested in an agreement and ready to


The secretary recorded everything in the

notes. Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to

sign the final draft of the agreement. Back at the office, a

colleague of mine asked me if I had realized that the

proposed agreement would be partially against the

company policy not to accept workers that have

already retired. I pretended to be really busy and late

for an appointment, and left for

the cafeteria. Actually, I didn't want to discuss the

matter at that particularmoment because there were

some strangers in the office.

After lunch I attended a lecture given by

the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and has

a graduate degree in political science. He said his

government intends to assist welfare programs

and senior citizens, raise funds to

improve college education and build a

public library, and establish tougher limits on

vehicle emissions because he assumes this is what the

people expect from the government.

17. Após a leitura do texto procure a tradução de TODAS AS

PALAVRAS destacadas no texto.

18. Complete as sentenças de acordo com informações dadas no


a) De manhã, ___________________ de uma reunião entre a

administração e os representantes sindicais.

b) A discussão foi muito ______________________.

c) Uma ______________ perguntou me se eu tinha

____________ que o acordo seria parcialmente contra a

política da empresa.

d) ____________________ estar muito ocupado e atrasado.

e) ______________, eu não queria discutir o assunto naquele

momento específico.

f) Depois do ______________, assisti uma palestrado do


g) Ele disse que seu governo ________________ ajudar

programas bem-estar e idosos, arrecadar fundos para

melhorar a educação _________________ e construir uma

_______________ pública.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por arose7038


I don't know excuse is that I need points sorry

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