Inglês, perguntado por biankacangussu, 1 ano atrás reading a book
2.barbara writing a letter
3.julie eating a sandwich
4.rita this brushing her hair
5.sue and liz playing cards
6.alison listening to a CD
7.frank watching televison
8.ann painting a picture
9. caroline sitting on the floor

Transforme as frases acima em frases negativa e depois em frases negativas.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dopeaf
Eu imagino que quis dizer frase negativa e dai para interrogativa.

George is not reading a book
Is George reading a book?

Barbara is not writing a letter
Is Barbara writing a letter?

Julie is not eating a sandwich
Is Julie eating a sandwich?

Rita is not brushing her hair
Is Rita brushing her hair?

Sue and Liz are not playing cards
Are Sue and Liz playing cards?

Alison is not listening to a CD
Is Alison listening to a CD?

Frank is not watching television
Is Frank watching television?

Ann is not painting a picture
Is Ann painting a picture?

Caroline is not sitting on the floor
Is Caroline sitting on the floor?

biankacangussu: Isso desculpa errei. Muito obrigada
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