Inglês, perguntado por mariaceciliasantanas, 7 meses atrás

1 - Forme as sentenças no Past Continuous

a) When / he / work there?

b) You / make dinner?

c) They / drink coffe when you arrived?

d) When / we / slup?

e) They / study Last night

f) He / not / exercise enough

2 - Transforme as frases da questão anterior.

a) Transforme a frase da letra A para forma afirmativa.

b) Transforme a frase da letra B para forma negativa.

c) Transforme a frase da letra E para interrogativa.

3 - A presente a instrutura das frases afirmativas no Past Continuous​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lumnmendes

a) Was he working when there?

b) Were you making dinner?

c) Were they drinking coffee when you artived?

d) Were we sluping?

e) Were they stdying last night?

f) He was not exercising enough.


a) He was working there.

b) You are not making dinner

c) Were they stdying last night?


R. O past continuous é formado pelo verbo to be conjugado no passado + um verbo principal no –ing (particípio presente), indicando tanto o passado quanto algo que possui um aspecto contínuo.

mariaceciliasantanas: obrigadaaaaa
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